In my search of shoes to inspire my graphic design project at school I came across some interesting shoes. This one made me laugh. I wish I had a pair of these just so I could try this.
"Tube Shoes of 2005 incorporate several of Mr Moorer’s recurring themes: play, performance, and the opportunity to turn every day into an adventure. Tube shoes are designed to work as both conventional footwear and as a way of hanging from the overhead hand rail of the London subway trains (the London subway is called “The Tube”)…"
Eelko Moorer tube shoes
If you want to find some other crazy shoes you can go to the website I've been searching
Friday, September 3, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Chinese Laundry - CL SHOES SUEDE
Beautiful Shoe! I love this! I've just been researching shoe sites for my brand identity project, but I had to take a moment and show this amazing shoe. Click on the link below and you will see it!
Chinese Laundry - CL SHOES SUEDE
Chinese Laundry - CL SHOES SUEDE
Saturday, August 21, 2010
This is my first posting to start off my 4th year of the college experience at Minnesota State University of Moorhead. If there’s something specific you want me to write about concerning what I’m “experiencing” then you should leave me a comment and I will most likely write a blog about such an “experience” or thought.
Walking around the campus today I decided to check out the Center for the Arts building. Since today is a Saturday I knew that most lights would be off and doors closed, but since it is the Saturday after orientation week, almost every door was unlocked. I didn’t realize this until I tried opening one of these “supposedly” locked doors. That’s what I do when I’m wandering around bored. I test doors. It’s interesting being in rooms that you’ve never stepped foot in when you’re all alone. I also had a little rush of adrenaline as I walked through the pitch-blackness of the performing arts auditorium, but I was determined to walk all the way through to the other side. Why did the chicken cross the road? How should I know? I’m not a chicken. I walked all through the arts center without seeing anyone except for a man I could only guess might be a janitor. Anyone could have walked into that building. Thank goodness they lock the doors during normal weekends.
College campuses are very open. Probably more open than people know. Of course they lock certain buildings at certain times, but what about student union buildings and library buildings. I know that anyone can walk into our library. I’ve met one such person before. The hung-over Michael Holloway hit on me in the library on the 3rd floor next to the computer bench. That was almost a year and a half ago. I’m sure the security has really cracked down on those wandering townies since then. My sarcasm here does not lie in any resentment toward security or Michael Holloway, but in the thought that libraries are not safe. You might feel safe because there are books and quiet and knowledgeable librarians on the first floor. But go up to another floor and around behind the shelves of books. Then tell me if the library feels safe. The library is a scary place…on Saturday after dark on the 4th floor. I’ve never been there at that time, but it sounds frightening.
MSUM is not the only college that can be completely walked through. For example, Concordia College in Moorhead leaves their buildings unlocked as well. I know because I’ve walked through that campus a couple years ago with my good friend Alexis. And yes, we did walk up into the window overpass, through the fitness building, and some other random building. We walked straight through their campus and under the bell tower. Don’t you feel safe knowing that your kids are able to run around nilly-willy at college? With hooligans like me, wandering through neighboring college campuses, who could feel any safer?
Friday, July 16, 2010
I like rats in my river.
The River Rats of Minnesota put on their weekly show this past Thursday. It was a magnificent effort of power, speed, strength, and poise as the teams of the River Rats took to the waters on their skis. I was amazed. Here's their website if you are interested>
This was the first water show I had ever been to and it couldn’t have been more perfect. The temperature was perfect for sitting outside. There were hardly any bugs to be seen. The hillside we sat on was comfortable for at least the first 20 minutes of the show. And the Biff’s hand sanitizer was full. What more could we ask for than to be sitting right in front of the Mississippi River watching people perform stunts in the water while being pulled by boats with powerful engines?
Sadly, I do not have any proof that I was there other than an eyewitness. Emily Fischer came with me to the show after a sampling of the Fireside Restaurant in Rosemount where slivers are chunks so what happened to the rest of the apple?
Back to the River Rats: How can someone love a temporary high so much as to offer all of their time and energy to that one thing?
This was the first water show I had ever been to and it couldn’t have been more perfect. The temperature was perfect for sitting outside. There were hardly any bugs to be seen. The hillside we sat on was comfortable for at least the first 20 minutes of the show. And the Biff’s hand sanitizer was full. What more could we ask for than to be sitting right in front of the Mississippi River watching people perform stunts in the water while being pulled by boats with powerful engines?
Sadly, I do not have any proof that I was there other than an eyewitness. Emily Fischer came with me to the show after a sampling of the Fireside Restaurant in Rosemount where slivers are chunks so what happened to the rest of the apple?
Back to the River Rats: How can someone love a temporary high so much as to offer all of their time and energy to that one thing?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:4-7
Sometimes I just can’t express thoughts in words. I guess that’s why I’m a visual artist instead of a writer, but I wanted to share a story and song that I recently had the opportunity to hear. This young man (whose music I found through a convoluted, random search in myspace/facebook several months ago), put his hope and trust in God. He wrote a song, which is amazing, telling of his change, and he wrote about it on his blog. So, just go to the link at the bottom of this entry, read his blog, and follow his instructions to hear the song. It is very encouraging to hear about another person trusting in Christ.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Football? No futbol. So soccer.
Why are people so obsessed with watching a sporting event. Since football is the "American Past time" you'd think the summer would be a safe time to do the other American past time: eat food in the sun (picnic). But some people want to ruin that tradition because they have a problem. I see futbol rehab in store for them; although, living in the United States of America, this rehab facility would be called "Soccer rehab for the futbol fanatic."
You might be wondering why I'm bad mouthing the soccer lovers. I am not. I'm bad mouthing the "futbol fanatics." There is a major difference. I don't care if people love soccer, to play, watch, or cheer on their kids. But when people are so obsessed that they have to include a sport into whatever event they are attending, then it gets pretty sick. Not the Californian "that's totally sick!" rather, the "this person really needs mental therapy" sick. They can't even use their native tongue to speak of the sport. Instead they call it futbol as if they are from Europe or are speaking to Europeans.
It's only five days past Independence Day and people have forgotten to wave their American flag, call futbol soccer, and remember the Alamo. What has happened to our country?
As you can probably tell. I have not put too much thought into this. I have only put ranting hysteria into my posting today because that's all I got right now.
You might be wondering why I'm bad mouthing the soccer lovers. I am not. I'm bad mouthing the "futbol fanatics." There is a major difference. I don't care if people love soccer, to play, watch, or cheer on their kids. But when people are so obsessed that they have to include a sport into whatever event they are attending, then it gets pretty sick. Not the Californian "that's totally sick!" rather, the "this person really needs mental therapy" sick. They can't even use their native tongue to speak of the sport. Instead they call it futbol as if they are from Europe or are speaking to Europeans.
It's only five days past Independence Day and people have forgotten to wave their American flag, call futbol soccer, and remember the Alamo. What has happened to our country?
As you can probably tell. I have not put too much thought into this. I have only put ranting hysteria into my posting today because that's all I got right now.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Get Nervous
I had no anxiety when I entered the store, but as I was browsing the tank tops something strange happened.
“What about that one? See her? She’s a pretty one. She would be good for you.” That’s what an old man said to his friend as he peered at me over a sales fixture at Walmart. There was zero sarcasm in his voice, and I’m sure he knew I could hear him. He was only four feet away. His friend, who was at least 75, couldn’t see me for the sales fixture. As he motored his mobility scooter around the fixture to take a closer look at me, I prayed to God that they would leave and I wouldn’t have to speak to them.
“Yes,” he said as he stroked his long, white beard, “This one is a very pretty one.” Then he turned around and they continued their deathly slow journey down the isle. My reaction to this was a half nervous smile and a look that said, “What the fudge is wrong with you creepy old men? Has dementia set in and you ran away from the nursing home?” This disturbing situation has continued to make me nervous since it happened Friday morning. Next time I’ll just pay twice as much for my tank tops and go to Target.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Got another blog-yes i now have 2!
I made another blog called bud out. It's going to be mostly about my garden so I won't update it very often and will try to write on this one more, but it exists so you should take a look! click on the title of this posting to see my bud out blog.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Felting Felting
I haven't worked on felting for a couple weeks, but I promised to put my pictures up here for a friend. These guys aren't very big. They are only about 3-4 inches tall and I have no idea what I'll do with them, so if you wish to purchase one (which i'm sure you probably won't) make me an offer. If you're a friend of mine, don't be surprised to receive a tiny felted animal as a birthday or Christmas present.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Make it a Good One
Fact about me: I save trifle things such as tickets, wristbands, and some times cute clothing tags. Every time I get home from a concert, I tape the ticket/wristband in my notebook and write what it was for. On March 19th, I collected one such wristband and with that I also brought back a used guitar pick.
I hope you’re not thinking this will be an amazing, exciting tale of seeing one of the country’s most talented bands of the decade. This is most definitely was not; yet, it wasn’t bad.
Melissa and I drove up to Club 3 Degrees in Minneapolis after eating chicken fingers from Canes, in the car… Because eating in the car is FUN! I was there to see the one band I knew, Above the Golden State, but I like to see bands I don’t know too. Which in this case were Light Switch, Me in Motion, and the main attraction Sanctus Real.
When we arrived, Light Switch was already playing. I remember seeing them play at Higher Ground Music Festival a couple years ago. They must have had their parents drive them there at that time because this night, the oldest one of the 4 brothers in the band looked about 18. The youngest couldn’t be a day over 13 (I’m probably reaching on that one). Aside from their age, they actually played quite well. I didn’t have an urge to rush the stage, but the teenage girls didn’t have a problem screaming for them.
As some of my friends know, I don’t like to watch a band from far away. I want to get the full effect. Ya know, have a good time! I do that by standing as close as I can to the stage without being squashed to death. This night, I didn’t have to worry about my mortality to get a front row position. Actually, there were a few teenagers standing against the front of the stage. I think one of them was certifiable, or maybe just deranged.
I coerced Melissa to follow me to the front once the “little boy band” was finished with their set. During that short intermission the supposed “host” man forced some middle aged people to play fluffy bunny (the marshmallow game). I felt bad for the poor woman as she spat out mushed marshmallows trying to say those futile words.
Next was Above the Golden State. They were equally impressive with their backdrop signs filled with scripture. Of course, I knew all their songs so it was mandatory for me to sing along. I felt like I was the only one who knew the songs, but then I spotted one other girl singing along. I just loved that in the last song, the lead singer played guitar, harmonica, and sang. No, he did not sing while playing the harmonica. That’s impossible. You Tube link of Above the Golden State
After that we were all shown a video about giving money to get clean water for people in Africa. Everyone felt guilty for being alive.
Then came Sanctus Real. To be completely honest, I liked Me in Motion better. I think I might have liked Light Switch more. They were fine, until they played 30 songs. Then I just wondered if they would ever play a last song. Everyone else seemed to be having fun as they tried to shake hands when the lead singer came down to sing in the crowd. Some kid that looked to be about 15 raised his hand when they asked who had been listening to them for the last 9 years that they’d been a band. He must have had the time of his life getting to see a band that has influenced him since he was 6. I only recognized one song that they sang from the radio, but the rest was new. You Tube link of Sanctus Real
Every time I go to something like this I have always found something I really enjoyed. If I just hang out in the back I never have as much fun. It’s better to get the full effect. Make it a good one.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stellar Kart
Going to a concert alone doesn’t sound like fun but when you’re in the middle of a huge crowd it tends not to matter. A few weeks ago, I went to a concert at club 3 degrees. It was Stellar Kart and Barlow Girls and some other band I don’t know. Before you think I’m entirely lame for going alone, I didn’t plan that. I had order 2 tickets because a friend said she could go. An unavoidable meeting detained her, but she made it to see the last band-Barlow Girls. While Barlow Girls was very profound, encouraging and all around good, I loved Stellar Kart the most. Maybe it’s because Stellar Kart is made up of cute guys in their 20’s. Maybe it’s because they play music that praises God and teaches Christian truths. Maybe it’s because they wear bright colors. Maybe it's because they make me laugh.Watch this video and decide for yourself:
Back to my boring story... While that band I didn’t know what playing I wandered around the club for a while looking for a good place to stand. I wanted to stand closer to the stage, but when I found ‘that almost midget like’ person to stand behind, I knew I couldn’t get a better view. For me, someone of 5’3,” finding someone shorter to stand behind is the only way to view a concert clearly in the pit of club 3 degrees. Thank you, short person. You should treasure your vertically challenged body because it encourages others, but then again, maybe you’re not Baptist.
Until this concert I didn’t realize how many people take pictures at these sort of events. I tried. I gave it my best shot, with my phone, because I didn’t bring my digital camera. I intended to, but the camera is the one thing I always forget. Only the least important moments of my life are recorded in photographs so why should this be any different?
Here’s what I did get of Stellar Kart:
My camera phone sucks lollipops.
This Friday I plan on going to another concert. This time I will see Sanctus Real and Above the Golden State. I know most people would probably go to see Sanctus Real (they’re actually a well known Christian band), but I’m actually going because Above the Golden State will be there. Oh Oregon guys. At least I’m fairly certain I won’t be going alone this time. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Evil BUT
Who thought I could have profound thoughts from something posted on twitter? I guess I forgot I was stalking the Daily Bible Verse postings. No matter how I came to ponder this passage, it is a great reminder.
Matthew 26:31-35
31Then Jesus told them, "This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written:
" 'I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' 32But after I have risen, I
" 'I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' 32But after I have risen, I
will go ahead of you into Galilee."
33Peter replied, "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will."
34"I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."
35But Peter declared, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." And all the other disciples said the same.
This passage is a reminder that we fail. As humans we all fail at pretty much everything. Here in Matthew, Jesus tells Peter he will fail, and Peter even fails just by not believing that he will fail. Epic fail.
Matthew 26:75
Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: ‘Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.’ And he went outside and wept bitterly.
We can read this and think, “Come on Peter, how could you not see this coming?” But we don’t realize that we have failed just by thinking that. In that moment we’re thinking that somehow we are better than Peter when actually we are the same. Just like Peter we are denying Christ by trying to blend into the world.
And to help you realize the reality of our own sinfulness, here’s a video from a person who is much wiser than me.
And now we see that we were sinners and we are sinners and we are evil by nature. I hope this is as low as we can go because there isn’t much lower. I guess it’s time for that big BUT
Romans 5:6-8
6You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Christ died for us! Do you understand what that entails? Jesus Christ came to earth specifically to die in order to pay for our sins. And he didn’t just stay dead. He came back to life proving that he was and is the Son of God. He conquered death and sin for you.
John 3:16-18
16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
I put my faith in Jesus Christ when I was a young child. At that time I knew that God didn’t like the bad things I did and I realized that only by believing in Jesus and asking him to forgive me, could I ever have peace in my life, joy in my soul, and a definite hope of life after death.
Romans 10:9-13
9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Throughout my life, as I strive to follow Christ, I have seen more and more how much I still need God’s grace. It’s part of sanctification-becoming holy. We will always fail but Jesus died once for ALL. That means once for all my sins and all your sins and every one of everybody’s sins. When I fail I take it to God and ask him to change me into the person he wants me to be. Because I can not do it on my own. It’s all by the grace of God.
I hope you have the same faith in Christ that I do. If not then here’s what you can do: Repent, Believe, and strive to follow Jesus. The last part’s not as easy as it sounds, but if you truly believe then you’ll want to follow him. If you’re not ready to take that leap of faith, I’ll be praying for you. Just know Jesus loves you.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Up One on the Snuggie
I saw these pictures posted on another blog and thought I had to share it. I think it is hilarious because they up'd the snuggie. Now you can have entire sleeves with gloves in your blanket. HA!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I’ve added felting to my long list of crafting hobbies. Felting is the process of making felt from wool by either hot water with pressure or poking the fibers together with needles. Why would I want to make felt? Because I’m making it into forms, figures, shapes, and beads. I think it’s interesting to see the soft fluffy puffs of wool change, as I work with it, into unique stiff forms.
I happened onto this craft when I was looking at some “how to” patterns of There were these two cute hugging bears made from felting. I then found a link to buy a felting kit. One thing led to another and several days later my felting kit arrived in the mail. I’ve finished my first two projects. I created a heart necklace, (see picture up top) and a purple bunny figure.
My first attempt at flat form felting ended up with my shape sticking to the foam board I used to protect my table. I learned my lesson with a misshaped heart still attached to a chunk of foam. After that incident I was able to make a perfect heart and roll up beads that I turned into a necklace.
Felting reminds me of Romans 11:11-24 -I had to look that up. It actually reminded me of the branches being grafted in. Using felting makes more sense to me because I don’t understand tree grafting. I’m not a botanist. Either way, it reminds me of God’s grace. I’ve been felted into his family.
I happened onto this craft when I was looking at some “how to” patterns of There were these two cute hugging bears made from felting. I then found a link to buy a felting kit. One thing led to another and several days later my felting kit arrived in the mail. I’ve finished my first two projects. I created a heart necklace, (see picture up top) and a purple bunny figure.
My first attempt at flat form felting ended up with my shape sticking to the foam board I used to protect my table. I learned my lesson with a misshaped heart still attached to a chunk of foam. After that incident I was able to make a perfect heart and roll up beads that I turned into a necklace.
Felting reminds me of Romans 11:11-24 -I had to look that up. It actually reminded me of the branches being grafted in. Using felting makes more sense to me because I don’t understand tree grafting. I’m not a botanist. Either way, it reminds me of God’s grace. I’ve been felted into his family.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sleeping in an Egg
This past week I decided to make a twitter account. But instead of having a regular twitter that is used for stalking friends, I’m using it under a false name. This way, people won’t bother me as I follow design magazines, craft websites, and rock bands. With a twitter like this I come across quite a few interesting things every day. Today I found something very odd. This bed.
Although it was a brand spanking new design from Lomme almost three years ago, I have never seen this bed or known of anyone who would even consider buying one. To house this beast of a bed, you would have to have an enormous bedroom and you’d probably have to cut a giant hole in the side of your house to get it into a house. I think that’s why they photographed it on a beach. They didn’t have enough money to move it into a house. They probably didn’t have enough money to build a set around it either, since no one would buy it. And I wonder now, is the mattress shaped oval too? And do sleep number beds come in oval? If I were super rich, I would like to have this bed. Then I could go to bed in it like a little yoke inside of this giant egg. Why would some one want to sleep inside of an egg?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Stuff of the Day
Song of the day: I Think We're Alone Now- Tommy James and the Shondels
Movie phrase of the day: "I saw something nasty in the wood shed!"- Cold Comfort Farm
Weapon of the day: Sticky lint roller- from Walgreens
Book of the day: In the Deep Woods- Nicholas Conde
Color of the day: Black or Red ( I can't decide)
Fantasy of the day: I remember the kisses in the hallways....
Word of the day: Dingle (They tricked me in scrabble! I could've won if only they wouldn't have lied about dingle...)
Dance move of the day: Shimmy
Restaurant of the day: Taco Bell
Sport of the day: Football (even though football players are wimps and pansies...)
Disease of the day: Sports fanaticism
Singer of the day: Olivia Newton-John
Electronic device of the day: Microwaves
Musical Instrument of the day: Bagpipes
Thursday, January 14, 2010
So we met her new boyfriend at the party.
“This is Charlie. He’s in the band.”
“So Charlie, what instrument do you play?”
In a hoarse voice he answered, “I do back ground vocals.”
Turned out, he’s the screamer in the band.
How would you like to be known as the screamer for a band? Metal bands like to have screaming in their music, but I found out that some bands have one person who is their “screamer.” They prefer to be called a vocalist, but we all know what they’re actually doing. They are destroying their voices to further help teenagers rebel against their parents by listening to what their mother’s would call “demon worshiping” music. It’s all in the screaming. I am not completely against screaming in music, but most of the time it gets on my nerves. So if that’s your dream to be the “screamer” in a band, go for it. But I would take a second to consider the consequences. Do you really want to learn sign language when you turn thirty because you’ve destroyed your vocal chords to the point of being completely mute for the rest of your life? Happy screaming!
(The short conversation at the top is fictional. Any similarities to actual persons or boyfriends are pure coincidence.)
“This is Charlie. He’s in the band.”
“So Charlie, what instrument do you play?”
In a hoarse voice he answered, “I do back ground vocals.”
Turned out, he’s the screamer in the band.
How would you like to be known as the screamer for a band? Metal bands like to have screaming in their music, but I found out that some bands have one person who is their “screamer.” They prefer to be called a vocalist, but we all know what they’re actually doing. They are destroying their voices to further help teenagers rebel against their parents by listening to what their mother’s would call “demon worshiping” music. It’s all in the screaming. I am not completely against screaming in music, but most of the time it gets on my nerves. So if that’s your dream to be the “screamer” in a band, go for it. But I would take a second to consider the consequences. Do you really want to learn sign language when you turn thirty because you’ve destroyed your vocal chords to the point of being completely mute for the rest of your life? Happy screaming!
(The short conversation at the top is fictional. Any similarities to actual persons or boyfriends are pure coincidence.)
The Blackberry
“Do what you love.”
“Love what you do.”
That’s the latest selling phrases for the Blackberry. Apparently, you can do whatever you love with the Blackberry such as write amazing rock songs or learn urban dance moves…wait, those commercials didn’t make any sense. Computer phones can’t do that…
Wouldn’t you love to do what you love? In life, we try to figure out what we love and if we are lucky enough to find out what that is, we try to pursue it. Pursuing the dream. In college we try to get a degree in whatever field will be closest to that thing we love, and once we have the degree we find out that thing we loved isn’t all it was cracked up to be. Especially when it was a corner office, because sorry bud but you have to work your way up from the mailroom. Not every one knows Michael J Fox’s secret to success.
So now you’re stuck in this job that you don’t love. You either have to suck it or leave your job to move in with your parents, mooching off of their love for you until the day they die of a heart attack while they’re screaming at you to learn to deal with life and get out.
What if what you really wanted was just to get married and have babies and live happily ever after? What if for most of your childhood you believed that you would most likely be married by the time you were 20 and now you’re 22 and haven’t even been on a date? What if the field you’ve been studying in for the past 3 years isn’t what you want to do anymore because you’re passion was being over shined by the vision of something grand and now it’s been uncovered only to be realized as something you could never live off of?
I’m glad I haven’t realized what I love yet. That would be confusing.
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