Friday, July 9, 2010

Football? No futbol. So soccer.

Why are people so obsessed with watching a sporting event. Since football is the "American Past time" you'd think the summer would be a safe time to do the other American past time: eat food in the sun (picnic). But some people want to ruin that tradition because they have a problem. I see futbol rehab in store for them; although, living in the United States of America, this rehab facility would be called "Soccer rehab for the futbol fanatic."
You might be wondering why I'm bad mouthing the soccer lovers. I am not. I'm bad mouthing the "futbol fanatics." There is a major difference. I don't care if people love soccer, to play, watch, or cheer on their kids. But when people are so obsessed that they have to include a sport into whatever event they are attending, then it gets pretty sick. Not the Californian "that's totally sick!" rather, the "this person really needs mental therapy" sick. They can't even use their native tongue to speak of the sport. Instead they call it futbol as if they are from Europe or are speaking to Europeans.
It's only five days past Independence Day and people have forgotten to wave their American flag, call futbol soccer, and remember the Alamo. What has happened to our country?
As you can probably tell. I have not put too much thought into this. I have only put ranting hysteria into my posting today because that's all I got right now.

1 comment:

  1. fulbol is for frenchies! A game where you pound a ball off your head and cause brain damage to the rest of the cells that haven't yet been destroyed by watching video games, is pretty silly.


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