Thursday, July 19, 2012

Swift Kick

 Sometimes God just needs to give us a swift kick in the butt to get us to stop and smell the roses. In this case, it was my butt and the roses weren’t so much flowers as they were answered prayers. I had been unfocused and uncertain about everything in my life. Lately I just started drifting. You know the drift. The one where you just do what you have to do and not really care about anything. I was so bored I couldn’t even keep that up for a week. I was so unfocused I couldn’t even focus on not caring about focusing. So as the Holy Spirit was urging me in my heart to do, I went to the Bible to get my focus back. And guess what I found. A passage about who God is and how he wants us to seek him, (When talking about who God is Paul says, "God did this so that men would seek him & perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." Acts 17:27), which brought to memory other verses I know about seeking God. God was reminding me that he wants me to continually seek him.

Part of my unfocusedness was because I was worrying about certain things I didn’t have, so in seeking God, I thought about what he has blessed me with lately. I found that many of my prayers have been answered in the last couple months. I am amazed.
1st a few months ago I prayed that God would lead me to a church where I could connect and serve and learn more about him. Prayer answered!
2nd I asked God to put someone in my life who I could be close friends with to share our hopes and struggles. Prayer answered!
3rd I needed income. He gave me two jobs.
4th I asked God to use me. He led me to a class to teach me how.
5th I asked for understanding, and he showed me how quickly life can change.
6th I asked for wisdom, and I keep seeing how stupid I am.
7th I asked God to keep his Holy Spirit nagging on me when I’m not doing what I should. It was coming in loud and clear.

I see that I don’t need to be unfocused and uncertain about my life. God has a plan. I just need to seek him and he’ll lead me when and where he wants me to go.

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